

best life insurance policy to buy

5 best coins under a $5 million market cap with a working product September 25, 2018 by Nick Dominguez As the bear market hints at potential signs of recovery, cryptocurrency investors are looking for coins to purchase at a discount due to the irrationally negative sentiment in some cases. As the famous wall street saying goes: buy when there is blood on the streets. Although new blockchain projects are popping up on a daily basis, they are often riskier than existing ones. In established projects, you can easily see the development progress (if any) and how the team has been communicating with the community since the project launch, this is something you can’t do with many of the new ICOs. We have pulled together 5 coins under a $5 million market cap that already have a working product. As always, this is not investment advice and please do your own research before making any investments. Bounty0x (BNTY) Bounty0x is a cryptocurrency bounty hunting network. The platform already has over 45,000 users according to a recent blog update by the company and there are hundreds of bounties live on the platform. The platform is powered by the BNTY token. According to the Bounty0x BNTY page, the token is currently being used by Bounty Sheriffs who have to stake it to review work made by Bounty Hunters, and it will soon also allow Bounty Hunters to use it to reduce platform fees and enable Bounty Hosts (companies that post bounties) to stake the token to obtain featured listings. Valuation approach The BNTY token is mainly used in staking functionalities: Bounty Sheriff staking (already functional), Bounty Hunter staking (Coming soon) and Bounty Host staking (Coming soon). The staking functionality is crucial for a valuable token since, if successful, it will lock up a large portion of the token supply, thus reducing available tokens on the open market. Over time, as the user base of the platform continues to grow, we may see a scenario where most tokens are staked and there will be a constant buy pressure on the open market of users willing to join the platform. At the time of writing, the coin only has a $1.6 million market capitalization. LAToken (LA) LAToken is a multi-asset tokenization protocol. It aims to allow users to create and trade cryptocurrencies and also tokens that are tied to real-world assets like shares, real estate, and metals. In the contrary to other digital asset exchanges, LAToken is known for listing assets very quickly. Often as fast as 48 hours after an agreement has been reached. Valuation approach Trading fees for all LA pairs are only 0.05%, this makes the token an interesting consideration for large volume traders. Therefore, if the LAToken exchange is widely adopted, traders may gravitate towards using LA pairs which could create buy pressure if traders don’t immediately sell the LA again for a different coin. Furthermore, users can buy Liquid Asset Backed Tokens (LABT), which are then converted into LA in order to purchase other assets like Ethereum, Real Estate or even artwork. However, how this second token functionality will add value to LA can be questionable. Traders don’t actually have to hold the token, but rather just own it for seconds and then sell it again for a different asset. This issue is widely referred to as the token velocity problem. LA currently has a # market capitalization. Numerai (NMR) Numerai is a crowdsourced hedge fund for machine learning and AI experts. The project holds weekly tournaments where data scientists compete with each other to produce the best prediction models. Numerai never had an ICO, instead, it initially distributed NMR tokens for free to machine learning experts that were actively using the platform and adding value to it. Valuation approach Numerai users stake NMR tokens on their predictions in order to show that they are confident in their model. If their predictions are good, the data scientists earn money and their NMR is returned. However, if their predictions are incorrect then their staked NMR is burned. Over time, as Numerai grows and returns increase, payouts for the weekly tournaments will also inevitably increase in order to maintain the quality of prediction models high. When payouts increase, participants will want to stake more to increase their returns, which creates a constant buy pressure for NMR. Furthermore, as more participants join the platform, some will inevitably make incorrect predictions, which makes the token even scarcer by burning a large part of its supply. NMR currently has a $4.3 million market capitalization. ClearPoll (POLL) ClearPoll is an opinion poll network using the Ethereum blockchain to secure poll results. The project aims to end manipulation and censorship in public opinion data. ClearPoll has a working web-app, iOS app, and Android app. Valuation approach ClearPoll users earn POLL for creating great polls or for completing sponsored polls. Furthermore, all the revenue that ClearPoll generates is used to purchase POLL tokens at market price. Half of the tokens that ClearPoll purchases are then distributed to ClearPoll users. Users that already own POLL tokens can use it as a “multiplier” to earn more rewards in every reward period. As ClearPoll grows, the firm will generate more revenue and therefore buy back more POLL, which will create buy pressure for the token. Additionally, as the revenue grows so will the rewards paid out in the reward period, this would incentivize investors to purchase POLL in order to benefit from the “multiplier” and get even more dividends in every reward period. POLL currently has a $1.4 million market capitalization. Etheroll (DICE) Etheroll is a provably fair dice game on Ethereum with a 1% house edge and no registration or KYC requirements. The project estimates that about 50% of all transactions on Bitcoin are gambling related, and mentions that Ethereum might follow this figure. Etheroll is entirely smart contract based, which makes it fully transparent and auditable. Valuation approach All the profit generated by the Etheroll is distributed to DICE token holders. Every 12 weeks, all house profits which are stored in the “Rewards” smart contract are sent to DICE holders. Therefore, the value of DICE is directly related to the usage of Etheroll. If more users play on Etheroll, more dividends will be paid out to DICE holders which as a consequence would increase buy pressure as more investors want to purchase the asset.
best life insurance policy to buy : Choosing the best life insurance for your situation can be daunting.  With so much conflicting information, this article will go over the differences so that you will be better informed and can choose the right policy.

Many people avoid investing in life insurance simply because they imagine the costs as being too high for their budgets. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of insurance policies available for every set of needs and budgets. A lot of companies will give you an instant term life insurance quote on their website for free. Insurance providers provide death benefit payouts ranging from as little as a few thousand dollars all the way up to a few million. Most providers offer more affordable term life insurance policies�term policies have low premiums and payout death benefits for the duration of a specific period.

If cheap life insurance with low premiums isn�t a priority, the majority of life insurance providers feature coverage plans that accumulate cash value over the life of the policy. With global, universal and whole insurance it is possible to configure lucrative benefits packages that payout death benefits and can be cashed out or borrowed against like equity.

What to Look for in a Life Insurance Policy

Policy Benefits
All insurance policies are different. We evaluated insurance providers largely on the variety and flexibility of the life insurance policies they offer. From five year term life insurance to variable universal policies, our leading picks for life insurance providers provide comprehensive coverage for every set of needs.

Pricing and Premiums
Premium payments are going to be different with different providers depending on risk factors such as your health, lifestyle, age and occupation. In general, insurance providers receiving a high score on our site gave more lucrative term life insurance rates than competitors regardless of age or lifestyle.

Additional Services
Life insurance is a must, but there are many other services we expect to see available in addition to, or as an alternative to, life insurance. Annuities, retirement planning, estate planning, mutual funds and plans tailored for small business are services we expect from the best providers.

Customer Support
Red tape and poor customer service are the last things a grieving family member wants to deal with. Our top picks for life insurance provider boast excellent customer service, approach claims in a timely and professional manner and go out of their way to meet customer expectations.

The Best Life Insurance Policies ?

Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is typically the best policy for most Americans since it allows you to have the most amount of coverage for the lowest price.  Some of the most outspoken advocates for term life are the popular financial advisors you see on TV; Susie Orman, Dave Rasmey and Clark Howard.  The strategy with term life insurance is to buy term and invest the rest yourself.  Most people have their major obligations for a certain period of time 10-30 years.  After a certain period of time, usually the mortgage is paid down or paid off, the children are grown and your future income won�t need to be protected in the same capacity as it does today.  Term life insurance will be the best solution if this describes your situation.

Term life insurance lasts for a designated period of time.  The term period for most companies range from 10, 15, 20, and 30 years and the rates do not change during this time.  Also, there is no penalty for cancelling the policy early.

Whole Life-Universal Life
Whole life insurance is a policy that remains in effect for the policy holder�s entire life. Generally speaking, the policy will remain active as long as the owner continues to pay the policy premiums.  Due to the cost, this type of policy is more optimal for estate planning and for other instances where permanent coverage is needed.

No-Exam Life Insurance
Life insurance that does not require a health exam is going to cost you a lot more than if you did the exam.  This type of policy is ideal for someone who doesn�t have the time to do the medical exam and doesn�t mind paying the extra premiums.  These clients typically need a policy in a hurry to cover a divorcee decree or they may be worried about doing the physical.  Also, do not mistake no-exam life insurance for no-underwriting.  The underwriting on a no-exam policy is very strict and not as favorable as if you did the health exam.

Accidental Death
Accidental death policies only pay out the death benefit you if you die as result of an accident. Typical classifications of accidents include but are not limited to: auto accidents, poisonings, falls, fires and chocking. Deaths from natural causes such as heart disease, cancer and old age are not covered under an accidental death policy.  This type of policy is good if you are traveling, have a dangerous occupation, and have medical problems that will exclude you from getting traditional life insurance.  It�s typically cheaper than term life since the policy only covers accidental deaths.

Wrap Up
Since life insurance is going to be one of the most important financial purchases you ever make to protect your loved ones, choosing the right policy is paramount.  Don�t let an overzealous agent talk you into buying a policy that you don�t need just so he can receive a larger commission.  Work with an experienced agent that will have you and your family�s best interest at heart.

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